Hi friends this post will guide you to open your website, blog or even your pages in text-only format or text-only mode, this will ignore all the javascript, CSS and Flash content etc.and you can only see the text and images of your web pages.
Why do you want to view your pages in text-only format..? this question may arise in your mind, surely …
but the answer is quite easy and important. Whenever you brought a change in your webpage then it might be seen by the visitors in many browsers, some of them might not able to show all the content of your pages, or their browsing speed might not be enough to show pages within a few seconds without any advertisement or any javascript.
So you need to check at your end if your page has any shortness of material.
How To View Your Pages In Text-Only Format:
There are many ways to see your web pages in a text-only format the famous of them is the use of Lynx Viewer.
There is an online service called viewtext.org
All you have to do is just copy-paste the URL there and it will open that page in text and image mode only.
Read Also: How to see your Password hidden under Asterisks
If you are using Google Chrome then there is also a Google Chrome Extension (recommended), you can open the webpage in extension mode by clicking on the icon displayed at the bar.
hope so this short tutorial will help you to view web pages in text-only format. Do comments with your feedback.
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