How to get more views of your Facebook Fan Page

The Facebook fan page is a big source of posting links and to promote our content. By the introduction of the  Facebook Timeline, we have more chances to see the reflection of our pages, brands in terms of pictures, videos and much more. We do a lot to get more views of our Facebook fan page,for this we post links, pictures, articles, and others.

But there is a chance when only our links are viewed mostly by our friends or some known people or Facebook fans and mostly they ignore it just like other remote links. So we should do some strategy in order to get more views and to promote our website or business.

Don’t worry you are at the right place to get more viewers.

Simple Trick to get more views of your Facebook Fan Page:

Now Let’s talk about the simple trick under discussion, as we simply post links to update our Facebook fan page and wait until someone clicks that link and visits its targeted page…facebook fan page viewsThere may be a chance when someone notes it and you may get the credit of your posting but in more cases, it is not so. We also know that Facebook is an important social media to get involved in the race of technology There is a simple idea to get more views and it is whenever we post a link on Facebook then we should not post only links instead of it  upload an image and post the link in its description along  and see the magic.

So exactly what happened we all know that a picture is more worthwhile as compared to simple link…why because it is more viewable and attracted and due to its prominent size it is eye-catching.

It may a good idea in practice to post a link at the beginning of the image description because mostly Facebook only noticed the first few lines in the post. You will notice a handsome increase in the facebook visitors and so it will also enhance the web traffic of your blog.just try it feedback the effect.

Read Also: Facebook Chat Symbols and Smileys

4 thoughts on “How to get more views of your Facebook Fan Page”

  1. Yes you are right to a great extent. Using images instead of link increases the post total reach. However, the another factor that comes into play is engagement of the viewers. Facebook considers an unengaged post as useless and when a fan doesnt engage with any of your post for a considerable amount of times, your posts starts to disappear from his timeline and feeds.

    There are many other factors also.

    Thanks for your post and your insights.


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