How To Comment To Boost Your Traffic and Google Page Rank?

Bloggers used different methods to increase traffic and Google Page Rank but can blog commenting be also helpful in this regard..? yes it is because it is one of the easiest ways to get traffic in the forms of backlinks especially if you are not much familiar with SEO techniques then this must be very useful for you.

You need not be an expert in this regard but just have some quality comments and see your blog going up. This will not only increase traffic but also Alexa Traffic Rank and alternatively make your blog search friendly and familiar.

How to use Blog Commenting To Increase Traffic and Google Page Rank:

Whenever you are commenting then just keep one thing in your mind a good comment will not only prove you as a passionate blogger but will also give you a permanent source of traffic.

I have collected some proven ways, so consider them while blog commenting in order to increase your traffic.

Avoid Spamming and Short wordings:

Most bloggers will only use words like ” thanks “, “nice post”, “good post”  or similar words, these are not so attractive and can be considered spammy comments because it does not show any response of cblog commenting to increase traffic and PRontent but just some words. So try to elaborate the words and make them long but meaningful.

Read Also:  How to Stop unwanted Blog Commenting by using Akismet

Have an Avatar:

we know that an avatar is a small icon/picture that you can see besides comments. This is a good thing because it will not only attract the blog owner but also shows your interest and recognize you while you are commenting on the same blog or other niche blogs.

Use Your Niche Blog:

Suppose you have a blog on technology and you are commenting on a commerce blog… is not helpful for you, because niche blogs are the only favorable place to comment and to get quality backlinks to your blog. It will also promote you among other bloggers and induce them to visit your blog.

Stay on topic:

The comments should be topic related so it is better to read the article and have some ideas from there, it will help you to stay on the topic and also show your interest in commenting.

Respond to Comments:

People usually ask questions while commenting so just stay there to make a response to them and try to satisfy them, if you are not sure about the question they asked then do not make hurry just take your time, have some search, and then make them reasonable answer. This will increase your worth and make you a passionate blogger.

Make Comment Unique:

If you repeat another person’s thoughts then most of the commentators may ignore it and you will never get your goal so try to keep your comment unique for this you should read other comments too.

Go For High PR Blogs:

Since high Page Rank Blogs get more visitors and have more organic traffic so try to go for high-PR blogs for commenting. It is better to go for PR 2 or above and avoid PR 1 because they may not provide you with quality backlinks it is proven that backlinks from such high PR blogs will increase your Google Page Rank within months. Also try to comment on “Comment Luv” enable blog, because it can provide a link to your most recent post along with a comment.

Comment Nicely:

Since commenting is a platform to share your ideas and sometime you may disagree with the opinion, so do not lose your words but just say them nicely. Remember that it is the place to share ideas so do not have a bad impression of yourself.

Subscribe for the Comments:

Since blog commenting may be repeated many times so it is not so easy to remember the site where you commented last time also to see the reply to your comment and to see the response of other fellows it is recommended to subscribe for the comment.

There are many ways for blog commenting and all will work when you have some quality and content-related comments.

Do you have some other ways to comment then do share.

6 thoughts on “How To Comment To Boost Your Traffic and Google Page Rank?”

  1. Thanks for sharing in detail about how to increase one’s website SEO ranking. Would definitely implement these tips to enhance the rankings

  2. Very well said. I tend to shun away from comments which are too general or those which has no relevance at all to the topic at hand. They have an impression to be likely to be spam. A spot on feedback about the plausibility of ideas presented and constructive comments are more helpful as they enrich the discussion. I think commenting naturally is fine. When done on high PR blogs, they can boost rankings and will give you instant visitors from its pool of followers. Subscribing for the Comments is also helpful to follow through the discussion and negate any doubts on the part of the search engines about your comments being likely to be a spam. Thanks for these tips!

  3. Rightly said it is the best approach one should follow while commenting on any other blog .I think we should do true blogging not for need.

  4. Till now i was commenting only to increase my alexa rank. But this will help my traffic also. But doesn’t google check for traffic from google searches only ?

    • Actually blog commenting is the proven way to increase traffic and Google check traffic and its quality,weather coming from organic source or from a famous niche blog.


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