Technorati is one of the largest and growing blog directory.It has already millions of bloggers listed and each day its network is growing.Google,Bing and other search engines loves the blogs associated with it and measures its Rank by its Popularity. It is also a great tool to promote your content and alternatively will become a great source of traffic.
Adding Blog to Technorati is not so difficult,just concentrate the step by step guide and get listed today.
How to Add Your Blog To Technorati Directory:
Follow the Steps to submit your blog to Technorati directory.
- First of all Join Technorati website for free and enter your primary details and complete the registration.
- Click your account name at the top right of the page.
- Complete your Profile and Scroll down to Start a Blog Claim.
- Enter the Blog name and click claim.
- In next Page enters all the details including Blog Title,Site Url,Feed Url,Facebok Url,Twitter Account,Google Plus Url,Site Description and also appropriate Categories and Site tags and click Proceed to next Step.
- It is time to Claim your blog in Technorati,so click on the check claim button.
- In next Page you will see a message from Technorati about blog verification like this:Technorati will need to verify that you are an author of the blog by looking for a unique code. Please put the following short code VHY93SR78HR96 (like this) within a new blog post and publish it. This code must appear in the published post and it must also appear in your corresponding RSS feed once published. Once it is published, use the “Verify Claim Token” button on this page to tell Technorati your blog is ready for Technorati to verify the claim token and proceed to final review.
- So wait for some moments until you will receive a mail of confirmation,so enjoy listing.
Why My Blog Is not Listing In Technorati Directory:
If you have followed the steps and still then receive a mail like this:
Thank you for submitting your blog claim on Technorati. Unfortunately, we have encountered a problem reading your site’s data. Please log into and go to to update any necessary site information and continue the claim process.
Thank you
It May Be The Technorati Bot Issue:
When you see the message like above quoted then it may be due to Technorati bot ,because it may be blocked by your Robots.txt file.You need not to worry just visit the page and check the claim status,it is usually due to robots.txt file,because you have blocked the Technorati bot. So just follow:
- let delete all the lines of robots.txt file (not permanent but just for this Technorati claim) and save it.
- Now again click the claim button and soon you will receive the Claim Complete Email.
Note: If you get the Feed Burner url message then just visit their page to Ping Feed burner Manually (because normally Feed burner will update its content after every 30 minutes) and let to complete the Submission.
Read Also: Want to get more traffic-use Ping Services
Hope so you have got enough knowledge to understand the process of adding blog to technorati directory.