Google always try to improve the search results of those websites that are not involved in any kind of black hat seo or some other unethical way to improve SER’P. In lieu of that a few days back Matt Cutts announced in Twitter about the new update in Google Algorithm named by Google Panda 4 update along with Payday Loan 2.
According to the spokesman Google Panda 4 update is for websites having low quality,thin,poor or duplicate content” while Payday Loan 2 is for such that are using some kind of “methods to rank their keywords or rankings higher in the search results”.
Google Matt Cutts also confirmed that the Google panda 4 update mainly hits ~7.5% of all common English queries that were mainly used by most of the web spammers. It was also noticed that the queries were also adopted by some famous websites and are badly affected by this Google Algorithm. It has also provided us to the way that Google will follow in their next updates.
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How Google Panda 4 Update affected the websites ?
According to the search results from Google some of the major names have been affected badly by this Google algorithm, So here are the names of some of the biggest losers:
- – 50%
- – 33%
- – 33%
- – 33%
- – 50%
- – 33%
- – 50%
- – 75%
- – 50%
- – 20%
While some of the big names have also improved their rankings, named as:
- + 100%
- + 500 %
- + 500 %
- + 50%
- + 250%
- + 500%
- + 250%
- + 250%
- + 25%
- + 100%
From the update it can be concluded that this update mainly focus the content area of any website. Also some of the big brands like ebay lost their organic traffic and some other got improved up to 500%. It may also concluded that the update will be continue to some days or later so effect can be different or may more intensive. The Google Panda update is also seemed to soft heart both for the website already punished by Panda and for the small business.
What Should to do next after Google Panda Update Algorithm:
The only way to check whether your website is effected by this Google Panda and Payday Loan 2 update is the Google Analytical results. The intensity of drop in organic traffic will show you, how much website is effected.
While to check the Google Payday Loan 2 effect is just to see whether some of the pages (or even complete website) are de-indexed or not.
Although Google Panda update recovery was discussed many times, yet there are some more things to learn from the above list of top losers and winners so that you may not penalized next time.
- Delete duplicate, thin, or poor quality content.
- Try to rewrite the Poor Quality content to make it search engine friendly.
- Reduce the number of Anchor text on the main page.
- try to make the blog design more easy to navigate and user-friendly.
- Try to avoid the use of negative keywords to improve search rankings.
- Reduce the number of ads (especially Paid or Sponsored, or Link Exchange)
- reduce the number of internal links from the content and on the main page.
Apart from the above, I know there are more to say, so Let’s see what will Google do next to punish low quality website and improve the search results of others.
Panda update have negative impact on low quality websites. We should worry too much about it if we are offering well researched content on our websites and blogs. Lots of article directories got negative effect due to this update from Google. To come up with Google algo, Ezinearticles team increased the minimum work count to 400. So it’s for sure that websites with content less than 200 type will not perform much on Google, but websites with long content even if its not of high quality will still work on Google.
The update surely suffered the low quality, thin and duplicate content. But if your content is filtered from these then you need not to worry.