On Page SEO Techniques to Improve Search Engine Rankings

On Page Seo is perhaps the most common technique used by many bloggers to improve their search engine rankings. Many of us have a lot of knowledge about it, but there are some bloggers and internet marketers that have only heard its name and may have not implemented it completely or may not have enough knowledge of how to use it to bring their content at the top pages of search engines.

Why do we need  on Page SEO:

Before talking about the topic under discussion Let’s see which two main factors can increase search engine rankings:

What is SEO: SEO is search engine optimization, there are two types

On Page SEO and Off Page SEO

I have discussed in detail about off page SEO techniques and Black Hat SEO Techniques to avoid in the previous article and today will only talk about on-page SEO factors.

So why do we need on page SEO…?

Just think that you write an article around some targeted keyword, publish it and wait to see on the first page of search engines….but failed….. you must think why it happened…?

on page seo techniques

Most of us think the way that described when we do SEO optimization of the blog post we follow some certain rules to make its rankings better, but search engines including Google will not consider is enough, but there are other off page factors to consider like social signals, Page Rank, Domain Authority, etc.

Our target is to optimize our content so that it becomes search engine friendly and can fetch visitors easily. Also as long as the algorithm changes the way Google to see and rank the web pages is change, so it is necessary to use a relevant targeted keyword for better rankings.

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7 On Page SEO Techniques to improve search engine rankings:

Here is the list of 7 on page SEO factors to increase content visibility.

1-Blog Post Title:

The most important and prime on page SEO factor is the blog post title, writing SEO friendly title will not only increase its visibility but will also bring organic traffic to your blog. But it is necessary that while writing a blog post title

  • The targeted keyword should be used at the beginning of blog post title
  • Make it sensible and create a catchy one
  • Do not repeat the keyword in the title
  • Keep its length not more than 65 characters

Read More to Write SEO Friendly Blog Post Title

2- Post-Permalink Structure:

Permalink is one that appears in the address bar. So try to keep address relevant and precise so that search engines can easily crawl to rank it higher. Because this is purely for the search engines and most of the top search engines will consider it as an important part of a blog post,  also  keep in mind that while choosing post permalink structure:

  • Use the targeted keyword in the beginning (just as in the case of Post Title)
  • Do not use the stop words ( like special characters, numbers, at,to…etc)
  • Make it precise and search engine friendly

3-Heading Tags:

Heading tags should be throughout the blog post to make it visible, both for the reader and search engine.

You may use H1 to H6 tags, usually, the title is in the H1 tag, but use heading tags with care and try not to repeat them, because it may consider black hat SEO.

4-Keyword Density:

Keyword density of the targeted keywords should be kept not more than 2% because exceeding may consider as keyword stuffing and may penalize your content since you are over-optimizing the content. So use it wisely, you can use the keyword in the first paragraph and the last paragraph and make it italic, bold and underline.

Read Also: How to check keyword Density

5-Meta Description and Meta Tags:

Whenever we search something in Google then it consider two main things first are the Blog Post Title and the second one is the meta description, so try to write meta description precise and use relevant keyword along with the targeted keyword. Also, keep its length to 160 characters. For meta tags use relevant keywords from the blog post and use them as meta tags, but use only two to three and do not stuff it.

[Tip: WordPress SEO by Yoast is the free plugin that helps a lot to optimize the content. ]

6- Use Relevant Images:

Someone said “a picture paints a thousand words”, yes it is true, by adding images will not only make content more clear but will also make its rankings better. Use the targeted keyword in the name and Alt tag of the image. Since images may increase the loading time so try to optimize them or use some reliable CDN ( Content Delivery Network)

7-Internal and External Linking:

To engage the user and make visibility better it is recommended to interlink the article with other interesting and relevant articles of your blog. Also, link the blog with other rusted and relevant websites.

For this try not to use exact match anchor text, because this may invite Google Algorithm to hit your blog search rankings and traffic.

I hope so you have found some Best on page SEO techniques to improve search engine rankings.

Do comments with your feedback.

2 thoughts on “On Page SEO Techniques to Improve Search Engine Rankings”

  1. I think On Page SEO is one of the most important factors we must consider for grabbing a better position search engine result pages. All these tips you have provided are really good and I’ll make sure to cross check On page for own blog for all these factors.


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